Going Home Kits


The perfect addition to getting a new puppy, our specially crafted Going Home Box is a collection of all the things you need to take care of and train your puppy for only $65!

The Going Home Box includes:

-A canvas tote with a paw print design

-A handmade specialty bandana ($10 value)

-A snuggle blanket that smells like their mother ($5 value)

-A Nylabone antler (a strong chew toy that all our dogs love) ($10 value)

-A rope toy (to help with teething) ($4 value)

-Chuckit! Ball (Oliver’s favorite toy!) ($4.48 value)

-KONG enrichment toy (Elli’s favorite toy!) ($12 value)

-Treat tote to carry treats during training ($7.79 value)

-A clicker ($5 value)

-Healthy training treats ($6.14 value)

-Potty Bells (to train your pup to tell you when they need to use the potty) ($11 value)

-A special newsletter made to help you train your pup and use all of these tools! (value immeasurable)

You can get all of these well made items for only $65! ( $70 value)

If you would like to add a Going Home Box in addition to your puppy, contact us at redemptionranchky@gmail.com or by text at 270-605-4275.